Edmentum’s PLE courseware is online mastery-based curriculum. Most modules contain a tutorial, an application, and a mastery test. Students will work through and gain knowledge about the lesson through the tutorial. They will practice the skill through the application. Then, they will complete the mastery test. Students must score at least 80% to pass each mastery test. If the minimum score is not earned, the mastery test will lock. The student will review the tutorial and practice the application. After reviewing, the mastery test will unlock for the student to take again. We recommend that students take their time and go through all parts of the module (lesson) before taking the mastery test initially.
In order to earn credit, students must:
In order to earn credit, students must meet all course requirements by the deadline. For more specific information about the requirements for the course(s) you are taking, please refer to the course syllabi found in the Flex 8-Week Course Catalog.
There are no + or – grades issued. At the end of the program, TRECA will send a transcript to your counselor that includes the course name, final score and letter grade, and credit earned. The counselor will decide what data is recorded on your local school transcript.
TRECA takes plagiarism very seriously. What is plagiarism? Simply put, it is taking the words or ideas or another person and passing them off as your own – that is, you have failed to "cite," or name, the source from which you collected your information. In plain words, you are copying. Plagiarism may result in being asked to redo the assignment, receiving a 0 for the assignment, or not receiving course credit. Please be sure that all work you submit is your own original work or that it is properly cited.
Download the documents below and view the videos before getting started.
The following video explains how to navigate to your courses and what to do when a test locks.
The following video shows you how to check your progress.
The following video and step sheet explains how to use the drop boxes to turn in your work. Drop boxes will be in English and Physical Education courses only.
The following video shows you how to log into MI Write using Clever. Logging in with Clever for MI Write will only be used in English courses.
With counselor approval, any student in grade 9-12 in the state of Ohio!
Absolutely! Talk with your counselor to explore the best options to meet your needs.
All course offerings can be found here.
The fee for each semester (.5 credit) course is $95. You can pay online with credit card or through mail using a cashier’s check or money order. Full payment is due before the registration deadline.
You can create an account and register entirely online.
TRECA will send an email with your login information the day before classes start.
Nope! The coursework is completely online.
Dedicated advisors are available to each student. It's important to keep their info on hand. Families receive specific contact details in their getting started email. The TRECA Help Desk is also available Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm. They can be reached by email at support@treca.org or by phone at 888-828-4798, ext: 2791. Before contacting the Help Desk, here are three common solutions to try:
1. Ensure you're using Firefox web browser.
2. Check that your pop-up blocker is turned off.
3. Confirm that Java is installed.
Parents, make sure to include your email address in the registration process. We will include you on all communications. The student/guardian are responsible for tracking progress and making sure that all courses are complete by the deadline. Progress is available 24/7 to view and is instantly updated.
You can log in at your convenience, but should complete work consistently throughout the 8-week program. This ensures that we have ample time to help should you need technical support or assistance with the content. In addition, you should log in on the first day of the program to make sure that you know how to navigate to your courses. If the course requirements are not met by the deadline, your transcript will reflect the final grade "I" (incomplete) and 0 credit.
Courses completed through Flex 8-Week may not be accepted by the NCAA.
Sorry! Extra credit is not available.
IEP, 504 and any other accommodations are not provided in TRECA Flex; therefore, it is important that you speak with your counselor to make sure that online courses are the right option.
As part of the registration process, you will provide your counselor's contact information. We will use that information to send a transcript to your counselor.
Courses may be dropped up to the halfway point of the program which is four weeks before the deadline. We cannot drop courses after that point.
A student may drop a course and receive a full refund if the cancellation is requested by the deadline below that corresponds to your session. Requests must be sent via email to flex@treca.org. For each refund requested, please include the student's name and identify the course you wish to cancel for a refund.
Fall 2022 Deadline: September 2, 2022 at 4pm
Winter 2022 Deadline: November 11, 2022 at 4pm
Spring 2023 Deadline: January 27, 2023 at 4pm